A world leader in specialty fiber and fiber optic-based products for medical applications.
Biolitec is one of the worlds’ leading specialists in the production of medical laser systems and accessories, as well as the sole supplier worldwide for photodynamic therapy. Ongoing research and continuous development of Biolitec products form the basis of biolitecs’ longstanding expertise in the field of interventional health care.
Biolitec is a global pioneer in state of the art medical laser technology.
Vascular and Colorectal treatments:
The Ceralas E diode laser utilises the ELVeS painless system and radial fibres. It is a versatile system which is easy to use, allowing for a minimally invasive treatment of venous reflux disease which can be performed as an outpatient procedure.
The Ceralas E also accommodates the FILAC procedure for anal fistula patients offering excellent closure rates without complications, as well as LHP for haemorrhoid treatments which allows for rapid and easy inpatient and outpatient procedures with fast recovery.
Urology treatments:
LEONARDO 200 WATT HPD dual wavelength diode laser:
This high-powered diode laser accommodates laser HPD for high risk BPH treatments and is the latest model 200 watt laser to be released by Biolitec. It also offers laser treatment for bladder tumours and partial nephrectomy. Contact and non-contact fibres vaporise tissue without damage to surrounding tissue due to the lasers ability to absorb energy in water.
The dual wavelength property accommodates a procedure for high risk patients with little to no bleeding and rapid recovery and return to normal activities.
This laser can also accommodate Gynaecology procedures.
Gynaecology, Otolaryngology, Colorectal and Vascular Treatments:
LEONARDO 45 WATT Dual Wavelength portable diode laser:
Gynaecology treatments:
HOLA and ELLA procedures. Hysteroscopic outpatient laser applications allow laser myomectomies to be performed with little to no bleeding and maintenance of the fertility pathway. ELLA inpatient procedures are available for endometriosis laser laparoscopic applications offering the same dual wavelength to facilitate little to no bleeding and maintenance of underlying tissue, rapid recovery and ease of use for the practitioner.
Otolaryngology treatments:
This versatile portable laser which requires no daily or weekly maintenance can accommodate outpatient turbinates and polyps, plus inpatient requirements of all endonasal surgery, oropharynx, DCR, Otology, Larynx and paediatric procedures. The laser offers microsurgical precision, tactile feedback, minimal bleeding, few post-operative requirements and short recovery times.
Learn more about the Biolitec range of lasers and workshops at Biolitec.com or alternatively, call Regional Health Care in Australia and New Zealand:
Customer Service Australia: 1300 659281
Customer Service NZ: 0800 678017
Just give our friendly customer service team a call for any help or support.